Heritage for the Arab Palestinian people is a fundamental value of life up to feature holiness, foresaw the Palestinians more under oppression and uprooting, and its components are still a vital article of Alastelhammeh fine artists, in addition to the reality of their daily life.
Hence the importance of art Palestinian that paints a picture of the people of Palestine and its struggles and its culture as a school art and its contents, described Berdnikov and Srdyuk in author issued in Russia for contemporary Palestinian art as school of life and progress, and the lighthouse eternal that illuminates through people to get rid of ill despair .. Because artistic creativity in general, particularly in the Fine Arts opens the possibility of a broad awareness of the link between past and present.
The Business Fine artists Palestine rise for their people to be close chronicling the past, present, and paint a picture of the future, for this we find Zionist trying to resist Palestinian culture, and trying to embezzlement authenticity and civilization to convince the world of their existence in the depth of the cultural traditions and community while they gathered immigrants from all countries of the world They belong to different cultures and languages ? To Totunhm, on the land occupied by force and trying to uproot people, united merely embrace the Jewish religion and Zionist thought.