With all the ingredients and factors of unity linking Palestine with its Arab and Islamic remained whole area of Arab areas have personal distinct cultural imposed by many factors, like the Arabic language and dialects, as expressed by the artist and researcher Palestinian Maj. Ismail Shammout who wrote several books important for the march art Palestinian is no less important on its distinctive artistic production, and in this literature its work and that of his wife, artist Tamam Al-Akhal and other artists, as well as to document a lot of historical and cultural facts: also remained for each of the English regions distinct personality imposed by many factors. While, Arabic is the mother tongue of the Arab nation in this nation’s vast, it has become all the people of the people of this nation to tone especially grown with time, and crystallized characteristics according to data of geography, history, sociology, economy and local culture, which is what happened similarly in Heritage .
Likening it to national Palestinian relationship to its environment in the privacy of civilization and heritage as a relationship Arabic dialects, this privacy that must be reflected in the ongoing culture, especially in the arts.